Thursday, 10 May 2018

Drama in Waves

Adding extra pages of waves into my book has made me conscious of the drama and energy that they can bring. And how I want to use this in my work to communicate to the audience. 
I recently took another trip down to Brighton to study the sea and the waves in real life, as well as visiting a different gallery that had some great wave paintings.

I think the raw energy of the ocean captured in the techniques are great and remind me of artist Maggie Hambling who's work I have previously seen in Suffolk:

Another artist that includes dramatic waves in his work is Hokusai: 

These examples inspired me to experiment more with the images I was having trouble with getting to flow properly. If I couldn't make them flow throughout the book, maybe I should make the wave 'spacer' pages more dramatic to emphasise the emotions in my illustration. 

I make the waves go from calm to choppy. But looking at this screenshot now, I feel I could emphasise this even more in the following images in the book. 

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