Recently I took a trip to the historic dockyards in Portsmouth. As I am thinking of basing my illustrations locally here, I wanted to learn more of its maritime history, see if any of the museums there had links to mermaids or get inspiration for a mermaid narrative - linking it to real events that happened in the city.
The ticket lasts for a whole year which is helpful so I can keep going back for photos or to talk to the staff.
So far I have collected some photos for setting/atmospheric inspiration, to get a feel for what would have been around in the past. I think I want to base my illustrations in a historic setting to make it more believable. Hopefully this would engage the audience more. But I would like to tie in the modern issue of perfectionism somehow to make it relevant still.
I looked round both ships, the Victory and the Warrior. Also the Mary Rose Museum, so I got to see three different historic times within Portsmouth that would all be a good background for my authorial illustrations.
I found the artefacts upon the ships to be very interesting. The idea that some pieces may still be lying at the bottom of the ocean to be scavenged and collected by mermaids sparks my imagination. I could do illustrations of mermaids holding these items, bringing them back up to the surface to the sailors etc. This would engage people with the history of Portsmouth as well as entertaining them.
This image shows the Battle of the Solent during the Tudor times. Could mermaids have been responsible for the Mary Rose sinking in this? Looking round the museum it was clear they didn't know/ couldn't prove the exact reason for the ships sinking. This could be an interesting opening for me to explore and insert a mermaid story.
I liked looking inside the cabins to get a feel for where some of my potential characters would have been living.
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