Thursday, 17 May 2018

Printing has Begun

I have now begun the printing process of my book. After piecing everything together in InDesign, the book totalled 330cm! Over 3 meters long so I had to get it printed on the large format printer. I have never printed anything this big so was unfamiliar with process, but the support desk were very helpful! It was good to challenge myself to create something this long as now I have learnt a new skill I can use in future projects. 

I went for a heavier paper as I wanted the pages to feel high quality and that they had substance to them. The technician advised me to go for a thinner paper as it would be easier to fold back up into a concertina and he said the ink might crack on the folds of thicker paper. But I stuck to my guns and went with the heavy duty paper. 

I didnt have much difficulty folding, apart from the length made it a bit fiddly. I managed to print 4 copies of the book on the width of the 3 meter piece of paper. This gave me room to experiment with a couple. The first one I folded looked very uneven, I wasn't very accurate with lining it up to the rest of the book. The second attempt went better but I discovered that the column I set out in InDesign cant have been all the same size as the width of the book when folded up was different. The height of the book was the same and very neat but the width was a bit jagged and uneven. At first I was annoyed as it didnt look neat. But then I thought about my theme of perfection and how my book illustrates that you don't have to be perfect. So maybe this folding style would suit the book even more?


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