Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Front cover text

For the front cover of my book, I want it to look quite old and traditional. I have decided to make hard covers and cover them with book cloth, with the title screen printed onto it. After talking to the print studio technicians, I found out that screen printing would be the best way to get text onto my book cloth. 

I wanted the text to look old and hand written so I looked at a lot of script typography. I was given some scraps of book cloth to experiment on with all the different fonts so I could see which came out best and gave the desired effect:

One of the fonts didn't translate to the printer. I think the most fitting for my project is the last line of text. I used white in these experiments as it would show up better on the dark background colours, for my actual cover, I would like it to be an orangy colour (like the first book I made in the book binding workshop - see previous blog posts) to match with the orange/browns inside the book. I could have the title in blue which would reflect my colour pallet within the book. 

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